Why Put Oil on Steak Before Grilling?

Grilling a juicy and flavorful steak is an art that steak enthusiasts strive to master. While the quality of the cut and the grilling technique play vital roles in achieving the perfect steak, one often overlooked step is applying oil to the steak before grilling. In this article, we will explore the reasons why applying oil to your steak before grilling is essential and how it can elevate the taste, texture, and overall dining experience.

Should you put olive oil on the steak before grilling?

The answer is Yes. 

Olive oil is an indispensable ingredient when making steak. Although many people believe that olive oil should not be applied to steaks before grilling. However, chefs around the world recommend that in the process of making steaks, olive oil should be applied twice to the meat. 

The first time you apply olive oil is time to marinate the meat so that the meat absorbs the spices evenly. The second time you put olive oil is when the grill is almost done so the meat is more fragrant without drying. To make a delicious European standard steak, you should not skip these two applications of olive oil.

You should put olive oil on steak before grilling

You should put olive oil on the steak before grilling

What is a steak?

Steak is a dish made from beef originating from the West. It is a dish made from sliced meat about 1.5 to 2.5 cm thick. The steak will be cut perpendicular to the grain of the meat. Steak is prepared by grilling on a griddle or pan-frying. It combines some simple ingredients like salt, pepper, oil, and butter. Steak is usually served with fries, an omelet, and a vegetable salad.

Steak is a dish made from beef originating from the West

Steak is a dish made from beef originating from the West

What ingredients are needed to make beef steak?

How to make steak at home is simple, the ingredients to prepare are not too sophisticated. You can opt for the tenderloin to ensure it is just the right tender and has a bit of sweetness. You can also choose less or more meat depending on your needs.

Do not forget to prepare a little more salad or asparagus to serve to make the meal more rich and eye-catching.

  • 2 pieces of delicious beef: 400 grams
  • Olive oil: 45ml
  • Red wine: 15 ml
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Potatoes: 2
  • Eggs: 2
  • Garlic: 1 bulb
  • Lemon: 1 fruit

How to season steak?

Here are 5 steps to season steak:

  • Step 1: Wait for the steak to reach room temperature.
  • Step 2: Marinate beef with salt.
  • Step 3: Marinate the meat with olive oil.
  • Step 4: Decide whether to add pepper before or after preparing the steak.
  • Step 5: Marinate more spices according to your preferences but do not overwhelm the taste of delicious steak.

To have a piece of meat that is both delicious, tender, and not dry, is the basic requirement of a steak. That request is really a challenge for housewives and chefs who make this dish. Therefore, marinating seasoning is a very important step in making beef steak. Follow the steps below to marinate spices.


Step 1: Wait for the steak to reach room temperature.

Use a paper towel to pat the meat dry and wait for the meat to come to room temperature during the marinating process. This will take longer to complete the dish. However, the finished product will be softer, and more succulent. The processing time will be shorter so the wait is totally worth it.

Step 2: Marinate beef with salt.

Marinate the beef with about 3/4 to 1 teaspoon of salt per 0.5kg of meat. You need to apply the salt evenly on both sides. Sometimes it is difficult to measure the amount of salt. Because you can’t taste to know if the salt is to your taste. Many chefs recommend using this ratio to help you get the most out of your marinade.

You need to apply the salt evenly on both sides

You need to apply the salt evenly on both sides

Step 3: Marinate the meat with olive oil.

Once the steak has come to room temperature and is pre-salted, you’ll spread some olive oil over the surface of the meat. Olive oil has a distinctive flavor and creates a crunch that many chefs love. Some people may prefer a more neutral oil such as peanut or canola oil. However, you should not use more than 1 teaspoon of olive oil for every pound of meat.

Step 4: Decide whether to add pepper before or after preparing the steak.

A lot of chefs like to add pepper to the steak once it’s done. Because pepper can burn during cooking and give the dish a slightly burnt taste. Some cooks don’t worry about burning. Because they think the dish will taste more rustic. You should try both methods to see which produces the best results for you.

Step 5: Marinate more spices according to your preferences but do not overwhelm the taste of delicious steak.

A good steak doesn’t need to have unique seasonings or marinades to add flavor. In fact, the steak will taste worse if it combines more complex herbs, flavorings, and seasonings. If sautéing or grilling fillets, you only need to choose simple seasonings to have a delicious dish.

6 Steps to Grill the best steak

These are 6 steps that help you grill the best steak in your life. Let us read once more time!

Step 1: Begin with a clean and oiled grill

When cooking superb steak or anything on the grill, for that matter, a clean grill makes all the difference, more so than cooking time or spice rubs. When you turn the steaks, clean grates prevent sticking. All you have to do is preheat your grill, clean it thoroughly with a heavy-duty grill brush, then gently oil it. In essence, this produces a frying surface that is nonstick.

Step 2: Cooking at a high temperature

Turn up the heat! The grill should be at least 450°F, or hot enough so that you can briefly hold your hand over it. On these, high heat ensures a good sear and a crunchy crust.

Cooking the steak at a high temperature
Cooking the steak at a high temperature

Step 3: Season the steak

Great steaks don’t require a lot of seasoning. Brush them lightly with olive oil on both sides just before grilling, and season with salt and pepper. If you want to get fancy, you can flavor the rub with ingredients such as chili powder, paprika, or garlic powder.

Step 4: Turn steak once

Because steaks cook so quickly, you only need to turn them once. Although there is some debate on this, flipping the steaks too frequently may also prevent them from developing their delicious, well-seared crust. Similar to when searing meat on the stovetop, when they release from the grill easily, they are ready to be flipped. Instead of poking the meat with a barbecue fork to turn it, use a pair of pincher tongs to prevent the meat from being mauled and the juices from being released.

Step 5: Cook until it is finished

The thickness of the steak and your personal preferences will determine the precise cooking time. A meat thermometer is useful because of this. It is accurate and won’t cause the meat to juice up much.

Step 6: Rest the steak

Before slicing, let the grilled steak sit on the cutting board for about 5 minutes. This gives the meat’s juices time to circulate once more. By cutting the steak too soon, the juices are lost, leaving your steak tasting dry.

Some traditional methods of seasoning

Montreal-style steak

Montreal-style steak seasoning is the most classic. They are rich enough to enhance the flavor of the meat but not overpower the smell of the meat. You probably already have the ingredients you need in your kitchen, so why not give it a try? Materials include:

  • 2 tablespoons ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon bell pepper powder
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander seeds
  • 1 tablespoon dill thì
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped dried chili

How to make Montreal-style steak is very simple but the taste is very special

How to make Montreal-style steak is very simple but the taste is very special

South Asian Steak

Turmeric is a yellow spice that belongs to the ginger family. It is widely used in South Asian cuisine. If you don’t want to marinate the steak in the usual way, try a variety of delicious seasoning combinations like these:

  • 4 teaspoons salt, or as much as you like
  • 2 teaspoons bell pepper powder
  • 1.5 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 3/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground coriander seeds hạt
  • 3/4 teaspoon turmeric powder

Trying marinating the steak with some coffee

Coffee is both fragrant and delicious. Many people will not believe this is a great marinade. This combination creates a sensation of heat, richness, sweetness, and aroma. Materials include:

  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander seeds
  • 2 teaspoons mustard powder
  • 2 teaspoons coffee powder
  • 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ancho chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon clove powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper powder

Some tips when preparing steak

  • Wait for the steak to reach room temperature before cooking. This will prevent the outer layer of the meat from burning and the inside from graying out.
  • The type of oil you use will affect the marinade of the steak. Olive oil produces a mild, pleasant taste. Canola oil has a neutral taste. The peanut oil is perhaps too strong and overpowers the natural flavor of the meat.
  • Use a pepper mill or grind your own pepper at home for a rich pepper flavor.
  • Let the steak “rest” after it’s cooked for about the same amount of time as you used to cook it. This allows the gravy to penetrate the meat fibers and makes the steak more succulent.
  • Meat that is still wet will not create a crunch when cooking. If the steak is watery while marinating, pat it dry before adding oil and seasoning.
  • Raw beef is a breeding ground for bacteria. You need to wash your hands after handling and marinating raw steaks. This will prevent accidental ingestion or contamination of food and other utensils.

Final thoughts

In the pursuit of the perfect steak, applying oil before grilling is a technique that should not be overlooked. By using oil, you can enhance the flavor, retain moisture, promote caramelization, prevent sticking, and simplify cleanup. Remember to choose an oil with a high smoke point and consider flavor options to complement your steak. So, the next time you fire up the grill, don’t forget to generously oil your steak and savor the mouthwatering results it brings to your plate. Happy grilling!

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